Sunday, August 25, 2013

We have one more week!

I asked for more time from the HOA peoples...and they agreed 2 more weeks was reasonable (that was a week ago).
We needed more time so the people who are taking the chickens can build a home for them.
Excited to see their new chicken tractors! I really hope this works out well for them.

They will be keeping 6:
Stu-E (lucky rooster gets to live a little longer, as they are thinking of hatching out eggs later)

Sadly, I have not found homes for Rocky James and Blanco...
So, the last two roosters will most likely be going to a woman who offers chicken processing (isn't that a nice way to say it?) for $5 each OR another option she gave us (once she heard they were pets) was that she could just come and get them...I don't know if she will process them right away, or allow them to grow some...but they will be hers at that point, so I guess I don't want to know?
I think option B is a good option for us. I don't want to eat them.
I'm sure I could...I just don't want to.

I will be taking our last pictures soon. I hope the kids (and chickens) will cooperate!

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