Sunday, August 25, 2013

We have one more week!

I asked for more time from the HOA peoples...and they agreed 2 more weeks was reasonable (that was a week ago).
We needed more time so the people who are taking the chickens can build a home for them.
Excited to see their new chicken tractors! I really hope this works out well for them.

They will be keeping 6:
Stu-E (lucky rooster gets to live a little longer, as they are thinking of hatching out eggs later)

Sadly, I have not found homes for Rocky James and Blanco...
So, the last two roosters will most likely be going to a woman who offers chicken processing (isn't that a nice way to say it?) for $5 each OR another option she gave us (once she heard they were pets) was that she could just come and get them...I don't know if she will process them right away, or allow them to grow some...but they will be hers at that point, so I guess I don't want to know?
I think option B is a good option for us. I don't want to eat them.
I'm sure I could...I just don't want to.

I will be taking our last pictures soon. I hope the kids (and chickens) will cooperate!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

well, we are done, for now...

We got a letter asking us to re-home our chickens this saturday (by certified mail).
I am assuming our one poopy neighbor complained.
So...even though my next door neighbors and all the neighbors in my culdesac are ok with us having neighbor, on the next street over, who heard us "building somthing" and came over "to investigate" has a problem with us. We have 60-70 feet of greenbelt between are yards.
He has been seen by friends, to be snooping around, in our yard, when we weren't home.
He could have just asked! Ha! We weren't keeping it a secret.
Neighbor kids have come over just to see them and hold them.
My kids talk about them all the time (and loudly too)!
But...we don't want to cause trouble for those nice neighbors
(who have to deal with the complaints)
So, it's all over for now...until we can formally amend the rules.
Two of my neighbors also stated they would like to have chickens.
The rest have been supportive.
So, I hope to find the time to send out letters to see if we have enough support to go forward with it. We need 75% of the 53 households to amend.

Now what to do with the run and coop? and more importantly the chickens?

We found a family who is interested in having chickens.
We might even be able to come visit sometimes!!!
Which is important to me, at least for a little while, since A is still very attached to them.
We will give them to them gladly.

The plan, so far, is to move the coop, small temporary run and big secure run (if possible) over to their house this saturday. They can have as much time as they need to figure out if they want to keep (buy) the coop and run, or if they want to build their own. We are in no hurry. We are just glad we found someone so quickly, who wants chickens. And that they are willing to let us come over to see them sometimes (at least for a little while).
Maybe we can pet sit for them!

So, I am glad.

Glad to have had this experience.

Glad to have found out the full character and poopy-ness of one neighbor.
(Hopefully he will try to avoid talking to me now! Yay!)

Glad to help some new friends get chickens.

Glad to be done with the poop. (I think changing baby is enough poo for me right now)

Glad to have found them a good home.
(they might even take the rooster(s), they are still thinking)

All in all...I am glad.

I hope it all goes well this weekend.

The coop is heavy and I don't know how heavy the secure run is...
H has to work part of saturday too (in the morning).
But hopes to be home by afternoon.

We shall see.

Meanwhile, my parents are coming to visit us. So, they will get to see the chickies while they are still here! Should be fun!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

oh boy! Blanca is a boy!

Blanca crowed on Monday morning!
Rocky crowed on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
No crowing today...

So, how did I do at guessing so far?

I think I had it figured right by 5-7 weeks.

1 week old (first day home) I guessed 2 wrong.
Penelope had a comb already, but is a pullet not a cockerel.
Blanca, though a very round chick, was not a pullet, he is the first to crow! Ha!
2 weeks old: same guesses
3 weeks: 1 wrong-still thought Blanca was a pullet, but figured out the bred of the others, which helped with gender guessing.
4 weeks: 2 wrong. again Blanca and I feared Teriyaki, since her comb turned pink, but I think she is pullet.
5 weeks I change Blanco to cockerel, which is correct and had 1 maybe, Teriyaki
6 weeks-I am on vacation
7 weeks I have their genders guessed correctly now (I think)
at 8 1/2 weeks we have crowing to confirm Blanca is a cockerel and Rocky also.

#1 pullet black star

#2 pullet black star

#3 cockerel barred rock

#4 pullet blue laced red wyandotte

#5 L gone cockerel gold star (must have had a delaware parent- he looked like a delaware) 

#6 pullet gold star

#7 pullet gold star

#8 cockerel gold star

#9 cockerel rhode island white (non-standard, no rose comb, might be a white rock)